What is life like in a camp in the most dangerous place in the world? , 😱😱 😔😔
What are the dreams of 2,000,000 persons in Gaza 😢😢😢
How your life can be changed because of one event ??
Your money 💰 supports the killers 🔪💀, Boycott now
Vietnam's 🇻🇳 practical lessons in Palestine 🇵🇸 , 😉😉😉
Baby delivery in Gaza, a horrible true story 😔😢😢
The Shifa hospital tragedy, unbelievable stories 😔
Anti-semitic, the most popular word ever,😀😃😀😃
Sixteen years of waiting, a beautiful short video
Memoirs of a cat in Gaza
The city of Haifa in 2043, a beautiful story from Palestine
my name is Jana, a sad story from Palestine
Ramadan, and Gaza Crisis
A crumb of bread, a sad bloody story from Palestine
Famine in Gaza, How can this happen?
A diabolical plan to end the Palestinians in Rafah
Hind, a girl who shook the hearts of the world
From Canada to Tantoura, a beautiful short story!!
What is the truth about UNRWA? Why did the world fight it? watch now
Fatema and Yael, a beautiful story from Palestine !
Khaled and Isaac, how they life changed ?, animated short film
what if Argentine occupied instead of Palestine ? a beautiful animated film
This is not what you think , animated short film
A short animated film, shows how Britain, Egypt and Mexico should be destroyed, as Israel do to Palestinians !!
Mom, What is going on?
A short animated film, raises questions about what happened in Palestine
US, Belgium & Palestine
As United States and Belgium started their empires using death and bombs, Israel is following their path.
Long Live Palestine
Enjoy this Swedish classic song, that describes Palestinian people, in a beautiful way.